Football Speakers

Saturday, July 21, 2007

NCAA 08 Football by EA Sports .....sec sports report

EA Sports has hit another home run. The NCAA 08 Football is tough, exciting and more challenging than previous games. SEC Sport Report takes a look at our experience in playing the South Carolina ***** vs LSU Tigers.Senior analyst Jay Holgate reports that you better have your game face on when playing this latest version.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Evaluation Time for NCAA 08 Football by EA Sports .....sec sports report

By Jay Holgate
SEC Sports Report

Atlanta, GA--At first look, the fine people at EA Sports have hit a home run. The NCAA 08 football is tougher. Defenses don't give up the long passes as easy and quarterbacks have to make quicker decisions. Tougher is better.

In the 07 version, I basically could dominate any SEC team with another SEC team. Some games were closer than others but basically I could win without a complete intensified effort. In the 08 version, I played three times and lost twice. Granted, I lost to the fine folks from Athens and Louisiana, but they smoked me. LSU had me so dominated by half time in one game, I was forced to hit re-start. That has never happened before.

Why the game is more exciting. It's intense. Running backs actually break tackes which can result in 85 yard runs. Interceptions and fumbles seem more frequent which definitely changes the dynamics of the game. The defense is hard to beat with the deep throws. All this being said, it is tougher to win which makes it more fun.

Last night, I had a rare moment. My wife had left to go to a meeting and the only thing standing between myself and being the coach of an SEC football team was a 4 year old little boy named Jackson. Jackson had not had a nap for the day and had already had his bath so things were lining up in my favor. Fortunately, he seemed pretty excited about playing football on the big screen tv.

So what did I do? I got out the NCAA 08 game, moved his controller to the middle area, and the two of us lit up the skies of Baton Rouge. We had to see if LSU was as good as they say they are. We played as South Carolina and it was tough. Can't run up the middle and unless someone is in single coverage, USC can't catch it because the LSU players hit the receivers so hard. After a loss by three touchdowns, it was time to put Jackson down. He needed the rest, I needed my game face on.

Re-Match Time. My son was in his room asleep, my wife was out of the house. A rare moment was upon me. It's time to play some Xbox NCAA football. LSU won the toss and took the ball first. Since I had already been burned by their running back breaking tackles in game 1, I moved to a different strategy. Stop blitzing, play containment, stop the big plays. It worked, I got an early interception. The LSU defense is brutal, so nothing is easy. LSU made me work for it, but I scored. By halftime, the score was 21-14 in my favor.

Then my world changed. My wife came home. She wanted to talk about her meeting. I was listening as best I could but I had a great game going on and it's hard to switch gears like that. After she finished, I went back to my game and she asked me the million dollar question.

"Are you going to be playing game much longer?" I answered, "it's already half time." In my mind I'm thinking, I have so few moments to play XBOX games that to ask me when I will be done is a little insulting. Plus I had a lead on LSU and you can't end a game on that note. So I took the higher ground. I said nothing. The less I say, the better everybody gets along. The second half was brutal with probably 6 turnovers total. I finished out the game with a victory and it felt good. After the game, I had to stretch, so I wouldn't be sore the next day. All the features look like awesome stuff, but for me, it will have to wait until my wife goes out again.

Jay Holgate is an analyst and sports writer for
Just SEC Sports!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

SEC Sports...Nick Saban Brings Promise to Alabama Football in 2007

Tuscaloosa, Alabama is a new town. And it has a new sheriff. SEC Sports Report takes a look at how Nick Saban took over in Alabama by closing practices, setting boundaries, and reducing exposure to the media. Analyst Jay Holgate reveals Saban's intent, winning football games. Everything else is secondary. Things are different, that's for sure.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Les Miles and the LSU Tigers Have All the Stars Lining Up in Their Favor

SEC Sports Report takes a look at why LSU fans are smiling so much. With loads of talent, a favorable schedule, momentum from last year, a great coaching staff and a football team focused on winning, the SEC championship is attainable. Analyst Jay Holgate takes a closer look to see why everybody in Louisiana is counting the days until kick-off.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Florida Gators Football Team is Dealing with Crime and Punishment

The Florida gators have recently decided to suspend two players from the team. Ronnie Wilson was arrested for shooting an AK-47 assault weapon into the air. Brandon James was suspended for buying marijuana from a police informant. SEC Sports Report assigns writer Jay Holgate to take a closer look at why these players were not dismissed.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

SEC Sports—Florida Gators, Shooting Guns, Jail Time

By Jay Holgate
SEC Sports Report

ESPN is reporting that the University of Florida has suspended two players who were recently arrested for off campus incidents. A story like this is normally just passed through the system and life goes on. But there needs to be a look at the facts, the timeline, and then we can all make a logical conclusion.

Shooting an AK-47 Assault Weapon in the Air. Ronnie Wilson was arrested for firing a weapon into the air after an incident that carried over from a local bar. Wilson weighs over 300 lbs and is a football player for a national championship team. Why would a guy like this, need to carry a Russian assault weapon? Has the Gainesville bar scene turned into Iraq where a man needs to carry a gun to get his taste of some pretzels and a beer?
His Punishment: Suspended for one year. You got to be kidding. You mean, Meyer thinks this gun toting soldier of fortune deserves to be on the roster after he sits out one year?

Busted in a Police Sting Operation. On June 11, Brandon James was unfortunate enough to buy marijuana from a police informant. His partner in crime was Brandon Powell, a basketball player that has decided to transfer because he is not getting enough playing time. James was arrested, spent the night in jail and will see a judge in the near future.
His Punishment: Suspended for 1 game, Western Kentucky.

Don’t Rush to Judgment. James was just arrested less than 3 weeks ago. We will give him the benefit of the doubt that he was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. If that story doesn’t pan out, he must have told Coach Meyer that it would never happen again. So Coach Meyer determined that since Brandon James is his top kick returner from last year, we have to give him some grace. After all, every body deserves a second chance.

Wake up and Smell the Roses. The NFL recently determined by watching the NBA that men of bad character are bad for the institution. When the institution looks bad, ticket sales go down, tv ratings evaporate, concessions dry up, owners make less money and on and on it goes. Florida isn’t worried about ticket sales but they do know than men of bad character typically are not “team” players which will bring chaos to an organization. A fine institution like the University of Florida will be weakened by a discipline policy that allows criminals to exist on a team with student athletes. Or maybe, Florida is just in a league of their own. Time will tell.

Jay Holgate is an analyst and writer for He can be reached at