Football Speakers

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rich Brooks Leading SEC Coaches in Week 3.....Go Wildcats

After beating #9 Louisville in Lexington, Kentucky Wildcats Head Coach Rich Brooks is sitting high in the Southeastern Conference. has Brooks listed #1 in the SEC Coaches Market for Week 3. Read this column on how the coaches are ranked from #1-12 and see what their confidence ratings are going forward.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Atlanta Courier Companies Goes Green! with Hybrid Cars....

An Atlanta based company has made the switch to go with hybrid cars. Green Express is the first courier company in America to make the switch to hybrids. The company states high fuel prices and trying to be more environmentally responsible as the primary reasons for making the changes.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

SEC Football Fanatics: Announcing SEC Sports Report

Just SEC sports! Finally, one site for all 12 SEC Schools. This sports web site just covers football, basketball and baseball. With breaking news, feature stories and the best SEC stories updated daily, this site is a new favorite site for avid SEC fans. This is not a blogger site. The site is professional with analysis on coaches and teams.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

SEC Sports Site Picks Steve Spurrier to Win SEC East in 2007

SEC Sports Report has been following all 12 teams in the Southeastern Conference and now they have made their pre-season choices. Analyst Jay Holgate chose South Carolina primarily because of Steve Spurrier and his leadership. Find our where the Florida Gators, Georgia Bulldogs and Tennessee Volunteers end up in this pre-season ranking.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

SEC West Rankings for 2007 Football

The SEC Sports Report ranks the SEC West in a year that should be challenging for all parties. Analyst Jay Holgate breaks it down from #1 to #6 and tells you who is up this year and why. The SEC West could have a number of upsets this year with not a whole lot of difference between #1 and #4. This article is a must read for all avid SEC fans.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Phillip Fulmer and Tennessee Football Need to Make it Happen in 2007

by Jay Holgate
SEC Sports Report

ATLANTA, GA-- The Volunteers in the Southeast are getting restless. Tennessee fans are ready to be the SEC East Champions. And it's about time Tennessee returned to the top of the SEC. If not in 2007, when? Tennessee has a seasoned Senior quarterback, Senior and Junior dominated defense and best of all, Florida and Georgia are in a re-loading year with new players and new defenses. Head Coach Phillip Fulmer begins his 16th year with more pressure than ever and is finding that it is rocky at the top of the Southeastern Conference.

Couple of Weeds in the Garden. Most fans have not forgotten the 2005 season which ended 5-6 with no bowl game. The loss to Vandy at the end of the season was the heartbreaker. Phillip Fulmer was forced to shake up his staff, and he traded offensive coordinator Randy Sanders for David Cutcliffe. For two years in a row, Tennessee has not given Phillip Fulmer a raise but they have extended his contract. When giving raises to Fulmer's assistants, the University stated that the raises were based on performance. The statement was a signal to Fulmer that he needed to do better. Fulmer got the message and in the spring, Fulmer even said that a national championship for football could happen very soon. We found this to be a surprising statement. However, Fulmer should be able to live off the 2 million a year paycheck, but it always helps when the University establishment gives a vote of confidence with yearly increases in salary. After all, Tennessee finished 2nd in the SEC East in 2006 behind the National Champion Florida Gators.

Thorns in the Flesh. Three Coaches could give Fulmer major problems in 2007 from a psychological viewpoint. Saban, Spurrier and Brooks. If Tennessee loses to Alabama and South Carolina, Vols all over the country will feel their program has slipped and the other schools have moved up the competitive ladder. Fulmer can't afford to lose to Spurrier and Saban in 07 because they are just going to be better in the future. A loss to Kentucky would end a series of 22 wins in a row for Tennessee. Kentucky played Tennessee until the end in 06 and is returning all their playmakers in 07. Should be a good game in Lexington, Kentucky, but Vols consider this game every year to be a gimme; so a loss would be hard to take.

It's a Slippery Slope in the SEC. Tennessee has been getting great talent for years. The Tennessee roster is full of superior athletes from all over the country. The SEC East was Tennessee and Florida dominated for years. But now the dominator from Florida is at South Carolina; another great coach has moved into Florida; and Georgia has emerged as a consistent challenger for the SEC title every year under Coach Mark Richt. Vanderbilt and Kentucky have improved, and Tennessee's SEC West rival Alabama is on track for greatness with Nick Saban. So that means Phillip Fulmer is going to have to get used to the pressure because it will be there week in and week out. Fulmer knows it. The fans can feel the competition getting better. It's a bad feeling when you are used to being at the top.

2007 Must Be A Rock Solid Year for the Vols. Tennessee starts the year with an experienced quarterback and potential Heisman candidate in Erik Ainge. At 6'6 and 220 lbs, the Senior has the talent to get it done. Ainge has worked under the tutelage of David Cutcliffe who is one of the best offensive coordinators in the country. If Ainge can't get it done, there is 6'4, 230 lb Jonathon Crompton waiting in the wings. If you look at the defense, it has the advantage of being covered with seniors and junior starters. Tennessee plays an inexperienced but talented Florida team early and an inexperienced but athletic Georgia team before mid-season which is the best time to play them; so they are catching two great schools before they get their rhythm. The big rivalry with Alabama is in Tuscaloosa but Tennessee will be playing the Crimson Tide in a transition year with a new coach. Alabama will be better next year than this year and so will Florida and Georgia. South Carolina and Arkansas are played at home so that should help in competing with these two teams.

Rock, Paper, Scissors. In recent years, Tennessee has been too inconsistent to predict their performance from week to week. The Vols had moments of pure brillance in Athens and then gave up 4th quarter leads in big games in Knoxville. Fulmer is an optimist and has stated that the Vols were a couple of plays from being undefeated in 06. Most of the fans remember the close games of Air Force 31-30, South Carolina 31-24 and Kentucky 17-12 and see the season as being a couple plays from being 6-6. It's all a matter of perspective. From where I'm sitting, Tennessee has their best chance to win the SEC East in 07, and they had better take advantage of it. Because the SEC East is getting bigger, stronger, and faster every day. And it's rocky at the top of the Southeastern Conference in 2007.

Jay Holgate is an analyst and sports writer for

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Where Does Georgia Bulldogs Football Sit at the SEC East Table in 2007?

Mark Richt has done an incredible job with the Georgia Bulldogs Football program. In 2007, the Southeastern Conference has more parity than ever before. What does this mean for the Georgia Bulldogs? In this article, SEC Sports Report columnist Jay Holgate analyzes what happened to the Dogs in 2006 and what is to be expected in 2007.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

NCAA 08 Football by EA Sports .....sec sports report

EA Sports has hit another home run. The NCAA 08 Football is tough, exciting and more challenging than previous games. SEC Sport Report takes a look at our experience in playing the South Carolina ***** vs LSU Tigers.Senior analyst Jay Holgate reports that you better have your game face on when playing this latest version.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Evaluation Time for NCAA 08 Football by EA Sports .....sec sports report

By Jay Holgate
SEC Sports Report

Atlanta, GA--At first look, the fine people at EA Sports have hit a home run. The NCAA 08 football is tougher. Defenses don't give up the long passes as easy and quarterbacks have to make quicker decisions. Tougher is better.

In the 07 version, I basically could dominate any SEC team with another SEC team. Some games were closer than others but basically I could win without a complete intensified effort. In the 08 version, I played three times and lost twice. Granted, I lost to the fine folks from Athens and Louisiana, but they smoked me. LSU had me so dominated by half time in one game, I was forced to hit re-start. That has never happened before.

Why the game is more exciting. It's intense. Running backs actually break tackes which can result in 85 yard runs. Interceptions and fumbles seem more frequent which definitely changes the dynamics of the game. The defense is hard to beat with the deep throws. All this being said, it is tougher to win which makes it more fun.

Last night, I had a rare moment. My wife had left to go to a meeting and the only thing standing between myself and being the coach of an SEC football team was a 4 year old little boy named Jackson. Jackson had not had a nap for the day and had already had his bath so things were lining up in my favor. Fortunately, he seemed pretty excited about playing football on the big screen tv.

So what did I do? I got out the NCAA 08 game, moved his controller to the middle area, and the two of us lit up the skies of Baton Rouge. We had to see if LSU was as good as they say they are. We played as South Carolina and it was tough. Can't run up the middle and unless someone is in single coverage, USC can't catch it because the LSU players hit the receivers so hard. After a loss by three touchdowns, it was time to put Jackson down. He needed the rest, I needed my game face on.

Re-Match Time. My son was in his room asleep, my wife was out of the house. A rare moment was upon me. It's time to play some Xbox NCAA football. LSU won the toss and took the ball first. Since I had already been burned by their running back breaking tackles in game 1, I moved to a different strategy. Stop blitzing, play containment, stop the big plays. It worked, I got an early interception. The LSU defense is brutal, so nothing is easy. LSU made me work for it, but I scored. By halftime, the score was 21-14 in my favor.

Then my world changed. My wife came home. She wanted to talk about her meeting. I was listening as best I could but I had a great game going on and it's hard to switch gears like that. After she finished, I went back to my game and she asked me the million dollar question.

"Are you going to be playing game much longer?" I answered, "it's already half time." In my mind I'm thinking, I have so few moments to play XBOX games that to ask me when I will be done is a little insulting. Plus I had a lead on LSU and you can't end a game on that note. So I took the higher ground. I said nothing. The less I say, the better everybody gets along. The second half was brutal with probably 6 turnovers total. I finished out the game with a victory and it felt good. After the game, I had to stretch, so I wouldn't be sore the next day. All the features look like awesome stuff, but for me, it will have to wait until my wife goes out again.

Jay Holgate is an analyst and sports writer for
Just SEC Sports!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

SEC Sports...Nick Saban Brings Promise to Alabama Football in 2007

Tuscaloosa, Alabama is a new town. And it has a new sheriff. SEC Sports Report takes a look at how Nick Saban took over in Alabama by closing practices, setting boundaries, and reducing exposure to the media. Analyst Jay Holgate reveals Saban's intent, winning football games. Everything else is secondary. Things are different, that's for sure.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Les Miles and the LSU Tigers Have All the Stars Lining Up in Their Favor

SEC Sports Report takes a look at why LSU fans are smiling so much. With loads of talent, a favorable schedule, momentum from last year, a great coaching staff and a football team focused on winning, the SEC championship is attainable. Analyst Jay Holgate takes a closer look to see why everybody in Louisiana is counting the days until kick-off.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Florida Gators Football Team is Dealing with Crime and Punishment

The Florida gators have recently decided to suspend two players from the team. Ronnie Wilson was arrested for shooting an AK-47 assault weapon into the air. Brandon James was suspended for buying marijuana from a police informant. SEC Sports Report assigns writer Jay Holgate to take a closer look at why these players were not dismissed.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

SEC Sports—Florida Gators, Shooting Guns, Jail Time

By Jay Holgate
SEC Sports Report

ESPN is reporting that the University of Florida has suspended two players who were recently arrested for off campus incidents. A story like this is normally just passed through the system and life goes on. But there needs to be a look at the facts, the timeline, and then we can all make a logical conclusion.

Shooting an AK-47 Assault Weapon in the Air. Ronnie Wilson was arrested for firing a weapon into the air after an incident that carried over from a local bar. Wilson weighs over 300 lbs and is a football player for a national championship team. Why would a guy like this, need to carry a Russian assault weapon? Has the Gainesville bar scene turned into Iraq where a man needs to carry a gun to get his taste of some pretzels and a beer?
His Punishment: Suspended for one year. You got to be kidding. You mean, Meyer thinks this gun toting soldier of fortune deserves to be on the roster after he sits out one year?

Busted in a Police Sting Operation. On June 11, Brandon James was unfortunate enough to buy marijuana from a police informant. His partner in crime was Brandon Powell, a basketball player that has decided to transfer because he is not getting enough playing time. James was arrested, spent the night in jail and will see a judge in the near future.
His Punishment: Suspended for 1 game, Western Kentucky.

Don’t Rush to Judgment. James was just arrested less than 3 weeks ago. We will give him the benefit of the doubt that he was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. If that story doesn’t pan out, he must have told Coach Meyer that it would never happen again. So Coach Meyer determined that since Brandon James is his top kick returner from last year, we have to give him some grace. After all, every body deserves a second chance.

Wake up and Smell the Roses. The NFL recently determined by watching the NBA that men of bad character are bad for the institution. When the institution looks bad, ticket sales go down, tv ratings evaporate, concessions dry up, owners make less money and on and on it goes. Florida isn’t worried about ticket sales but they do know than men of bad character typically are not “team” players which will bring chaos to an organization. A fine institution like the University of Florida will be weakened by a discipline policy that allows criminals to exist on a team with student athletes. Or maybe, Florida is just in a league of their own. Time will tell.

Jay Holgate is an analyst and writer for He can be reached at

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Winds Have Changed. Can the Florida Gators Re-Gain Momentum

Everything is going Florida's way. The Gators have a national championship in football and basketball. Then the wind changes. Billy Donovan says he is leaving. Surprisingly, Foley determines the basketball coach is worth more than the football coach. Foley fires the baseball coach. Can Florida re-gain the momentum? reports.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

AROUND THE SEC-----Can the Florida Gators Re-Gain Their Momentum....

By Jay Holgate

ATLANTA, GA-- From January to May of 2007, Florida Gator fans were walking on water. Whether in the swamp or on the road, the wind was always at their back.

On January 8, 2007, the Florida Gator football team were the SEC East champions, the SEC champs with a win over the Arkansas Razorbacks and finally the national champions of college football with a decisive win over Ohio State.

Ironically, the Florida basketball team had a similar path to the national championship. After winning the SEC East, the Gators beat the Arkansas Razorbacks for the SEC championship and then beat Ohio State for the national championship.

The chances for one college to win the national championship in both football and basketball in the same year are nearly impossible. Yet, the Florida Gators with their two young coaches looked liked a dynasty in the making. Nothing could go wrong for Florida.

The Winds Begin to Change-- First, the Kentucky Wildcats go after head coach Billy Donovan. Gator fans could hardly enjoy the full measure of a 2nd national championship for a gut feeling that their basketball leader could be returning to an SEC basketball rival. Next up, the rumor mill starts pumping out information during the heights of recruiting, that Billy the Kid, will be going to the NBA. Then the fatal news comes, Donovan has signed a contract with the Orlando Magic. Within 12 hours of signing, Donovan wants out of the contract and wants to return to Gainesville. For fans, it was a mess.

The Calm Before the Storm--Now, all of a sudden, Gator fans feet are fully touching the ground. The honeymoon is over. What had been feared, came true. For one of the longest six days in school history, the Florida faithful waited to hear if their fearless coach would be coming home. Finally, the Orlando Magic realized that a coach with no heart for their team could not lead the franchise to success. Orlando released Donovan from the contract with a clause to keep him out of the NBA for five years.

The Dust Starts to Settle--Florida fans welcome back their leader but it's not the same. Donovan had left, looked indecisive in the transition, and then wanted back in. Somehow, it had kind of a high school feel. Like your girlfriend had cheated on you and then it didn't really work out so she wanted back in the relationship. It takes a long time to heal a broken heart and even if you forgive him, you don't ever fully trust him again. It's just the way it is.

The Dust Turns Muddy--As gators fans start getting settled that Donovan is back, they kind of take a sigh of relief that it didn't get too ugly. Then, Athletic Director Jeremy Foley extends both Donovan and Urban Meyer's contracts on the same day. One small technical point needs to be identified. The basketball coach is given a bigger contract than the football coach. There are only two people in the entire country that would structure the contracts in this order. Jeremy Foley and Donovan's agent. Donovan's own kids wouldn't try such a move with college football being the official state sport.

The Sopranos, Final Episode--Gator fans across the state all wake up to horse heads in their beds. In one week, the basketball coach has his national stature diminished, the head football coach has his ego bruised by a 2nd tier contract and the baseball coach gets whacked for being a nice guy. Three men, three hits. Georgia's Damon Evans couldn't have orchestrated a better attack.

Tomorrow Has to be Better than Today--For Florida fans, fortunately football season is right around the corner. When Tim Tebow is on the front of Sports Illustrated as a Heisman candidate, all the pain of early June will go away. Then again, when you are at the top, keep in mind everybody is gunning for you, it just comes with the job. And even if their leaders egos are bruised, they aren't dead. Florida still has two young competitive coaches at the helm and they can compete for championships for years to come. Momentum can always be re-gained.

Jay Holgate is a writer for He can be reached at To read more SEC stories, go to

Saturday, June 2, 2007

SPECIAL REPORT: The Story of Billy Donovan and Florida Gators Basketball

By Jay Holgate

ATLANTA, GA--The fact that Billy Donovan is leaving college basketball is tragic for Florida Gator fans because it didn't have to happen. At first look, everybody comes to the same conclusion, Donovan went for the big money. But when you review the time line, comments by Donovan and use some basic logic skills, it is clearly obvious, this is the story of the big fish that got away.

The Time line--
April 2, 2007, as the Florida Gators are preparing for the NCAA national championship game, the Kentucky Wildcat faithful are looking at Donovan as their next coach. The head coaching basketball job at Kentucky would be the perfect fit for Billy Donovan on many levels. Meanwhile, Florida Athletic Director Jeremy Foley is working on an extension to Donovan's contract.

April 5--within days of the 2nd National Championship win, Donovan says he will stay at Florida because he is "happy and you can't buy happiness." Donovan says his family is happy at Florida.

The events that happen in May are not the actions of a Head Coach planning on leaving Florida.

May 14--A big recruit by the name of Jai Lucas signs with the Gators and another big recruit Pattrick Patterson is in communication with Donovan. Donovan promises recruits he will be staying in Florida. Meanwhile, Jeremy Foley is still working on the extension to Donovan's contract.

May 17--ESPN does a story that Billy Donovan will be the highest paid basketball coach in history with a reported deal of around 4 million a year on a seven year contract.

May 23--Billy Donovan finally gets Rob Lanier as an assistant coach after trying to lure him to Florida for many years. Lanier should be extremely helpful with recruiting.

May 23--ESPN story states Donovan wants to get extension done soon. From New York City, Donovan clearly states that he is waiting on Florida to make an offer so that he can move forward with the Gators and remove speculation about leaving. Meanwhile, Jeremy Foley is still working on contract.

May 31--Billy Donovan is named as head coach of the Orlando Magic. Apparently, Orlando brought forward a contract. When asked about Florida's contract, President Machen said that it had been agreed to for a while but no formal announcement.

June 1-- Jeremy Foley and Billy Donovan have press conference. Foley states that at Florida they do things a little differently with contracts because of their level of trust with the coaches and vise versa. Donovan stated that his decision to leave had nothing to do with Florida and that he was looking for the next challenge. When you read the words chosen, Foley is trying to cover his backside. Donovan mentions the contract but doesn't blame which is a professional way of getting a message across and not burning any bridges. It is the language of two professionals trying to move forward.

Bottom Line--All of the actions from rejecting Kentucky, recruiting promises, hiring coaches and a public request for a contract point to a head coach wanting to be the Florida Gators coach for a long time. When Billy Donovan decided he was not going to Kentucky, there should have been a contract extension on his desk the next day. The fact that Donovan has never received an official offer by Florida to date, is sloppy, assumptive and irresponsible.

The Money--Donovan would have been making 4 million a year at Florida. With some endorsements, he would have been in the same neighborhood as the 6 million offered by Orlando. Truthfully, when you are making that much money, it is not that big a difference.

Nobody Likes to Wait--When you have been waiting and waiting and waiting from a school that you just delivered two national championships back to back, it is frustrating. Donovan was waiting on a contract. Orlando walked in with a contract and an opportunity. Since the door wasn't closed at Florida, Donovan took the next step.

The Unavoidable Question--With such an affluent fan base, why does it take Florida two months to create an extension for a coach that has won two national championships in the last two years? What could possibly be more important?

Billy Donovan was a college coaching great. It's too bad, they couldn't get him a contract at Florida.

Jay Holgate is a writer for SEC Sports Report. He can be reached at

Friday, May 25, 2007

SEC BASEBALL: All Roads Lead To Hoover, Alabama

By Jay Holgate

ATLANTA,GA--As we enter Day Three of the SEC Tournament, it is Re-Match time. For the two teams from Tennessee, Vandy is trying to vindicate their team from a first round loss to the Volunteers. With Vandy's #1 national rating, it was heartening to get beat in the first round by the last seeded Vols. For the Vols, they have been playing tough and have held their own with two great teams in the Commodores and Ole Miss Rebels. The game is on at 6:30 pm central time and should be exciting.

Round 2 of the Re-Match-- we have the florida gators trying to re-gain respect after giving up the first round game to the Gamecocks. Florida basically owned the game until the end and then it went to 12 innings and things just fell for the Gamecocks. The Winner keeps playing and the loser goes home. This 3 pm game central time should be another thriller.

The Leaders--For the rest of the pack, Arkansas and Ole Miss get a day off for leading the series 2-0. The Arkansas pitcher Jess Todd was on fire striking out 17 batters. Todd broke the SEC Tournament record of (15) strikeouts and the Arkansas team record for strikeouts in a game. The Gamecocks couldn't even get a bat any where near the pitches. Ole Miss jumped out early on Tennessee and then just rode it out.

Going Home Early--Alabama and Mississippi State were sent home early. They both played two good games but two losses gets a one way ticket home.

It should be an exciting weekend. We will be watching all the games, grilling out and just having a nice three day weekend keeping the SEC Sports Report up to date. Enjoy your weekend, we will report all the SEC news you need to know.

Jay Holgate is the editor of SEC Sports Report. SEC Sports Report is Targeted, Filtered and Just SEC Sports.

Jay can be reached at

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Steve Spurrier Beats Tommy Tuberville in Golf Challenge

It all comes down to winning for SEC coaches. On and off the field. Today, Steve Spurrier and Tommy Tuberville, two of the elite coaches in the SEC, took their game to an Alabama golf course. Spurrier won, Tuberville pays $15,000 to the charity of his choice. Steve Spurrier is all about momentum and this one gives Steve a big push.

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Steve Spurrier Wins Golf Challenge with Tommy Tuberville

By Jay Holgate


Birmingham, AL---University of South Carolina Head Football Coach Steve Spurrier wins the golf challenge with Auburn Tigers Head Football Coach Tommy Tuberville at the Region Charity Classic.

Spurrier won the match on the 13th hole but the group finished all 18 holes. As part of the agreed challenge, Coach Tommy Tuberville wrote out a check for $15,000 to a charity.

Coach Spurrier is a big believer in momentum and this win gives him a big push as his Gamecock team goes into summer work outs.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Nick Saban Bowl--LSU vs Alabama in Tuscaloosa

By Jay Holgate

ATLANTA,GA--It is too early to be talking about November football games. But there is so much energy about the 2007 SEC football season that we just can't help ourselves but to let you in on the Biggest Game.

We are giving you full, advance notice of the biggest SEC game for 2007. Mark November 3rd on your calendar, there will be no bigger game in all of college football for 2007. The media will hype this game to an all-time new level.

The Game--The Saban Bowl. Former LSU Great Coach Nick Saban will play host in Tuscoloosa Alabama to current LSU coach Les Miles. When Nick Saban was at LSU, he beat Alabama 4 out of 5 times. No wonder Alabama fans wanted him so badly as their head coach. For this game, the Crimson Tide believe they have the coach who will lead them to victory.

For Les Miles, there can be no bigger game. The Alabama game is his time to prove he is the superior coach of the two. LSU alumni would love to see Miles win and win big. Not only did LSU have the #1 draft pick but LSU sent a record four players to the NFL in the first round. Out of all the colleges in the United States, 1 out every 8 players in the first round was an LSU football player. A total of 13 LSU players signed professional contracts. That is amazing.

LSU Has Re-Loaded--Apparantly, LSU has re-loaded with talent. All the major sports magazines consistently put LSU at the top of the SEC West. With a defense lead by Glenn Dorsey and a front seven that is supposed to be the strongest group ever in Tiger town. LSU has a favorable road schedule and they get their toughest opponents (Florida, Spurrier's Gamecocks, Auburn, Arkansas) under the lights in Tiger Stadium.

The one negative for LSU in our opinion going into this game, is that one of the few athletes left over from Saban's days happens to be starting quarterback Matt Flynn. You can bet your bottom dollar Saban is going to use every angle he knows to get into his former recruit's head. And 92,000 screaming Tide fans will help increase the pressure for the athlete from Tyler, Texas.

Saban Always Plays to Win--And then there is national championship coach, Nick Saban. Highest paid coach in the SEC and worth even more. Left Miami with the job unfinished but with a hope of returning Alabama football to its glory days. Took over an Alabama team that hadn't met potential and couldn't beat Auburn. Saban has to win to prove he is the best coach in college football. By all accounts, Saban is making Alabama better. Saban has raised the bar, and focused the team on playing better, more physical football.

This LSU-Alabama game is going to be huge. As always, the world will completely change over the next six months so we will call this game, two days before kick-off.

Jay Holgate is a staff writer for the SEC Sports Report.

Kentucky Basketball Gets Patrick Patterson

By Jay Holgate


Atlanta, GA--After months of speculation, Pattrick Patterson has made a monumental decision. The West Virgina basketball superstar, who is a McDonald's All-American, had decided to commit to the Kentucky Wildcats.

At a press conference today at 3:45, Pattrick Patterson committed to be a Kentucky Wildcat moving the Cats into Top 25 Recruiting class. Developing......

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

First Time to SEC Sports Report...Welcome Home

By Jay Holgate

ATLANTA, GA---Breaking SEC news, links and analytical commentary.

We want to be your #1 site for SEC sports. Our site is dynamic and changes on the hour. We are the only site that focuses on 1) just SEC sports 2) just major sports of football, basketball and baseball. We are like a very targeted newspaper that changes by the hour. For SEC fans, you are home.

Our site is set up with 6 major sections.

Breaking News-The very top of the page is dedicated to the Top 3 Breaking News stories of the day. The top area is in red, the two sub-headlines are in grey.

Top News- In column 1, on the left hand side, this is Top News which is the biggest news within a 72 hour period. Each headline is a link to a news story. We research hundreds of newspapers to find the best stories. Some stories have a shelf life of a couple of days, other just a few hours.

SEC Baseball News--In column 2, this is the latest SEC Baseball News and links.

SEC Football News- In column 3, this is the latest SEC Football news and links.
Our site is primarily a follower of football news and stories. We have found that SEC football news is in high demand and covering SEC football news is a passion for us.

Football helmets- Under each SEC school helmet are 3 top stories for each school. Stories are moved out as more news comes in.

In the grey area are the links to each SEC schools athletic department. If you want to get the latest on other sports information, we give you a direct link.

Thanks for joining us at the SEC Sports Report.

We hope this helps you to navigate the site.

Tell your friends about the site and stay tuned to SEC Sports Report....

Jay Holgate is the editor of SEC Sports Report, One Source for all 12 SEC Schools. Jay can be emailed at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

SEC Sports Report Nailed the Tubby Smith Story

(This was the SEC Sports Report column on 3/21/07, the day before Tubby Smith resigned from Kentucky)

By Jay Holgate

Atlanta, GA--For six weeks, all the talk coming out of Kentucky is that Wildcats use to own the SEC but not anymore. Florida has taken over the East and the two neighbors in Tennessee and Vanderbilt from the eastern division are grabbing market share from a perenial powerhouse. Whether or not Tubby Smith leaves is totally up to Tubby.

The Story line-- In 2005, in his fourth year of coaching, football coach Rich Brooks went 3-8 in the SEC. Miserable. Hopeless. No way the program could turnaround. Athletic Director Mitch Barnhardt stood beside his head coach, they made a few assistant coaching changes and Brooks received the full blessing to conquer the East.

In 2006, Kentucky football finished the season with an 8-5 record, beating powerhouse Georgia bulldogs in Lexington and knocking off the Clemson tigers in the Music City Bowl. So....what does all that have to do with Tubby? Men are creatures of habit. Personality profiling. Athletic Director Mitch Barnhardt is raising money for the school and does not want a public relations fiasco with firing Tubby. AD Barnhardt will not pull the trigger. Its too controversial. The Board of Trustees has already determined that they were staying out of this decision.

Tubby Has All Control--If anything happens, Tubby will leave because he chooses to go a new direction. Looking ahead at next year. Tubby has been actively recruiting two stud players, who have narrowed it down to just a few schools. Randolph Morris is effectively a free agent who can finish out his senior year or go play professional basketball. Either way, life in Kentucky has gotten tougher. The entire SEC has gotten better too.

Tubby Smith is an awesome coach. If he makes a few changes on his staff, he is staying. If nothing happens, watch out. The SEC may lose one of its finest coaches.....Stay tuned....

Jay Holgate is a sports writer for SEC Sports Report.